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ATACMS :  Army Tactical Missile System

BDA :  Battle Damage Assessment

BLU :  Bomb Live Unit

CBU :  Cluster Bomb Unit

CCW :  Convention on Conventional Weapons

CDE :  Collateral Damage Estimate

CENTCOM :  U.S. Central Command

CEP :  Circular Error Probable

CIA :  Central Intelligence Agency

CFLCC :  Combined Forces Land Component Commander

CMOC :  Civil-Military Operations Center

DGS :  Directorate of General Security

DPICM :  Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition

EOD :  Explosive Ordnance Disposal

ERW :  Explosive Remnants of War

GIS :  Geographic Information Software

GPS :  Global Positioning System

HOC :  Humanitarian Operations Center

ICRC :  International Committee of the Red Cross

IHL :  International Humanitarian Law

JAG :  Judge Advocate General

JDAM :  Joint Direct Attack Munition

JSOW :  Joint Stand Off Weapon

MLRS :  Multiple Launch Rocket System

NGO :  Nongovernmental Organization

PGM :  Precision-Guided Munition

PID :  Positive Identification

ROE :  Rules of Engagement

RPG :  Rocket-Propelled Grenade

SADARM :  Sense and Destroy Armor Munition

SEAD :  Suppression of Enemy Air Defense

TLAM :  Tomahawk Land Attack Missile

TST :  Time-Sensitive Target

UAV :  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UNMACT :  U.N. Mine Action Coordination Team

UXO :  Unexploded Ordnance

WCMD :  Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser

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December 2003