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Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth

For four years, US President Donald Trump showed indifference and often hostility to human rights. He flouted human rights at home and embraced friendly autocrats abroad, severely eroding US credibility. Condemnations of Venezuela, Cuba or Iran rang hollow when Trump bestowed parallel praise on Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Israel.

Joe Biden’s election provides an opportunity for fundamental change, but his election is not a panacea. In recent decades, the wild oscillations in US human rights policy as administrations change hands has left many governments wondering if they can depend on the United States.

Fortunately, as Trump largely abandoned human rights, other governments recognized that human rights are too important to ignore.

Several Latin American countries plus Canada spearheaded the defense of human rights in Venezuela. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation played a central role in defending the rights of Rohingya Muslims facing persecution in Myanmar. Germany, France, and Turkey forced Russia and Syria to stop targeting civilians in Syria’s Idlib province. With China, a growing coalition of governments overcame their longstanding fear of retaliation to condemn Beijing’s worsening repression of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

The growing number of nations involved in this defense of human rights made it more robust, even without the United States.

Biden’s challenge is not simply to reverse Trump’s damage to rights, but also to change the narrative on human rights in a more fundamental way, so it can better survive future changes of administration. That requires reshaping the public’s understanding of the importance of human rights.

Within the United States, Biden will need to speak more regularly in terms of rights. For example, in seeking to bolster access to health care, he should talk of the right of everyone to see a doctor without bankrupting their family.

On US foreign policy, Biden should affirm that promoting rights is a core principle, and then abide by it, even when politically difficult.

Absent major improvements, he should curb military aid or arms sales to abusive governments such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel. He should be more outspoken about Indian Prime Minister Modi’s encouragement of discrimination and violence against Muslims, even if India is an important ally against China.

He should re-embrace the UN Human Rights Council. He should void Trump’s sanctions on the International Criminal Court even if he doesn’t like the prosecutor’s investigations. 

On China, Biden should abandon Trump’s inconsistent, transactional unilateralism, which discouraged others from joining him. Biden should substitute a more principled, consistent, and multilateral approach.

Turning the clock back four years will not be enough to undo Trump‘s damage. The world has changed, and so must the defense of human rights.

Now that many nations have recognized the value of assuming leadership roles on rights, Biden should seek to join that enhanced defense of rights, not supplant it, and to steer US foreign policy in a more principled, pro-rights direction. Whether the US government can become a reliable defender of human rights depends on Biden’s success.



A young boy raises his fist during a demonstration in Atlanta, Georgia, May 31, 2020.

World Report 2021, Human Rights Watch’s 31st annual review of human rights practices and trends around the globe, reviews developments in more than 100 countries.







Download a free copy of HRW's World Report 2021. © 2021 Human Rights Watch
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  • 一貫性に欠け、貿易中心、一方的だったトランプ大統領の対中国政策を放棄し、より原則的かつ一貫性のある多国間アプローチを採用し、他国に参加を促す政策を採用すること

ロス代表は、「トランプ大統領による人権無視ばかりが注目されてきた。しかし、近年の真の重大ニュースは、大きく注目されることはなかったとはいえ、人権を守るために自らリーダーシップを発揮した国が多く現れたことだ」と指摘する。「バイデン新政権は、こうした協働に取って代わるのではなく、参加すべきだ。 リーダーシップを発揮した国々は、米政府にバトンタッチするのではなく、人権を守る行動を継続すべきだ。一方でバイデン次期大統領は人権に対する米国政府のコミットメントの揺れ幅を縮小する政策の確立に努めるべきだ。」
